
Budget, Taxation & Economy

A Wind Power Primer: Emission reduction negligible for land-intensive, unreliable, noisy, ugly bird-killing turbines

Wind power is generated through large groups of massive industrial wind turbines, sometimes as tall as 50-story skyscrapers. Like the wind itself, wind power is intermittent and extremely unreliable. The…


Job Training That Works: Public programs stagnate, while private and charitable training excels

Researchers have consistently found that government-provided job training and placement programs are wasteful, inefficient, and sometimes even counterproductive. Researchers have also consistently found that private providers of job training yield…


Annual Report on Teacher Pay: N.C. teacher compensation is more than $5,000 higher than the national average

When adjusted for pension contributions, teacher experience, and cost of living, North Carolina’s adjusted teacher compensation is $55,731, which is $5,401 higher than the U.S. adjusted average compensation and $4,811…

Budget, Taxation & Economy

Why UNC Needs Charter Schools: Charter Demonstration Schools Can Improve Teacher Education

The UNC system has initiated few efforts to strengthen teacher-education programs. UNC universities should use their power as charter-school authorizers to create on-site demonstration or laboratory charter schools to improve…