New York Post editors ponder the Democratic Party’s response to the first presidential debate.

President Biden revealed himself as senile Thursday night — so now the Dem apparatchiks are busy circling the wagons.

“The reality is the race has not fundamentally changed,” spun former Biden flack Kate Bedingfield. 

In what Mediaite termed “a 15-minute Biden campaign commercial,” Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski called him “a man slowed down by a cold,” while hint-asking: “Does there need to be changes” in “managing him?” “Changes to his schedule, changes even maybe to those around him?”

This was just days after hubby Joe Scarborough demanded on the same show that Biden stand aside. It’s a dizzying time at MSNBC!

Ex-President Barack Obama blurred: “Bad debate nights happen.”

Biden’s family is blaming the aides who prepped him for the debate.

Think about that: The president’s loved ones see him as a sock puppet repeating what he’s been told to say; the problem is only that they programmed him wrong.

But it wasn’t a “bad night”; he wasn’t over- or under-prepared: He was sundowning.

Biden’s handlers and media enablers insisted for a year-plus that Biden was totally and utterly fine (“sharp as a tack” was the endlessly repeated theme), that any suggestion to the contrary amounted to disinformation — and they’re still pitching the same tired lies. 

But the race has fundamentally changed. 

Biden, seeking to retain the most powerful political office in the world, fell apart in front of an expectant nation. 

It wasn’t one “bad night” — it was the worst night in a string of increasingly humiliating nights. . . and days, and mornings, and afternoons and teatimes.

His own staffers told Axios he’s now only reliable between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. How short will the window be in six months? 12?

The president is falling deeper and deeper into confusion: That’s why the administration won’t release the audio of his hours talking with special prosecutor Robert Hur last October.