David Marcus writes at DailyMail.com about the latest revelations in Elon Musk’s Twitter Files.

If free speech is a pillar of democracy, then Twitter should be charged with sabotage, because they’ve taken sledgehammer to it. And every American has the right to be absolutely outraged.

The latest ‘Twitter Files’ drop on Thursday night revealed that partisan extremists at one of America’s most influential social media platforms wrapped a torniquet around the vein of free thought and wrenched it tight.

And to add insult to injury, the whole time, Twitter was lying about it.

Then-CEO Jack Dorsey told Congress that he had no idea why conservatives were moaning about being silenced – a.k.a. ‘shadow banned.’

Well, guess what? Conservatives were right.

We learned that in addition to shutting down bombshell reporting, like the New York Post’s exclusive on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Twitter executives were also suppressing individual Americans who didn’t blindly parrot liberal orthodoxy.

The account of Stanford professor, Dr. Jay Battachyara’s was muffled for sharing thoughtful criticism of COVID lockdowns.

America’s kids were kept out of school and in masks. Businesses were destroyed and churches shuttered, and our dying were kept from seeing family, but Twitter pronounced these ideas verboten.

No wonder famously unprofitable, woke Twitter had trouble making money.

They censored anything that was even remotely interesting.

Battachyara’s tweets would have been a good read for millions who were locked inside their homes and apartments for months on end. But instead, he landed on a secret ‘blacklist,’ according to journalist Bari Weiss, who was given access to internal Twitter documents by Elon Musk.

A new [Twitter Files] investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics — all in secret, without informing users,’ Weiss wrote.